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Agility Improvers

What is Agility Improvers?

Our Agility Improvers class meets weekly for one hour for six weeks.

Agility Improvers Goals

The goals of Agility Improvers are, in no particular order:

  • to safely introduce the dog and handler (that’s you!) to the skills necessary to enjoy dog agility
  • to improve the handler’s dog training skills
  • to improve the dog’s balance, flexibility, strength, and proprioception (awareness of limbs)

We accomplish these goals by coaching you to use clicker training in addition to well-timed praise and food rewards for your dog. At the same time, we introduce many simplified agility obstacles and fun tricks. We emphasise skills that can be practised at home, so the fun isn’t just limited to one hour a week!

Class Curriculum

The equipment we use includes low jumps (including the tire), short tunnels, the chute (collapsed tunnel) fabric, a PVC ladder, a round board that wobbles when stepped on, narrow planks, and traffic cones.

The tricks we teach include hand targeting, beg, spins to the left and right, turning tightly around an object (“wrapping”), and backing up. We also teach an off-lead stay.

What Will I Learn?

In this class, you can expect to learn:

  • how to use clicker training to make training clearer and easier for your dog
  • which rewards to use while training your dog (treats, toys, praise, play)
  • how to raise criteria so your dog steadily makes more progress with each skill

Along the way, we begin to fade your dog’s lead by first training your dog on-lead, then with the lead dragging along the ground, then with a light line attached, and finally off-lead. (Off-lead control is necessary before you can progress to the next class, Intermediate Agility.)

How Do I Sign Up?

Ready to join us? Great! The only pre-requisite is that your dog has graduated from a group training class in the past, such as basic manners or puppy class. (If you haven’t done that yet, contact us and we’ll connect you to a great training school near you.)

To join us, just fill out our online enrolment form – it’s the first step to enjoying agility with your canine companion.