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If you are new to dog training, you will most probably have lots of questions. We have added below a list of frequently asked questions to help you.

If you cannot find the answer you need, please contact us, where we will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

What is Pre-Agility

Pre Agility (our Agility Starter course) is our 6 week course to introduce your dog to the world of agility.

This course will establish a good foundation in relationship building, control, physical ability and mental awareness for both handlers and dogs. Designed to prepare dogs for entering our agility training class, this course offers up to the minute training techniques, which will not only help in further training, but also raise the owners awareness of a dogs needs within their general relationship with their dog.

For more information visit our Dog Agility Starter Page

What Dog training classes do you provide?

A short telephone consultation is enough to assess your needs and that of your dog so we can arrange the package best suited to you.

Both basic courses for dogs under 6 months old and more advanced training for dogs over 6 months old are available, either as one to one sessions or in groups numbering no more than 5 dogs.

Under 6 months sessions last around 30-40 minutes, which is largely dictated by how receptive the puppy remains to the training as the session progresses.

For more information visit our Dog Training Page

Can I come and visit the day care before sending my dog?

Yes, before taking on any dog, we will meet you and your dog personally.

We find it best for you to come to the centre so we can show you where your dog will be staying, the set up of the business and the opportunity to meet some of your dog’s soon to be friends!

What happens in the case of emergency?

We will always call you immediately should any situation arise while your dog is in our care.

Once the situation is assessed, if deemed urgent, we will take your dog to the local veterinary practice or your nominated vets.

All your dog’s veterinary details are required on induction.

What happens if I am late picking up my dog from Doggy Day Care?

If you purchase a half day service and fail to pick up your dog by 1pm, you will be charged the full day rate.

If you purchase a full day service and fail to pick up your dog by 6pm, a £5 late fee will be applied for every 15 minutes thereafter.

How do you know my dogs will get along with the other dogs?

We only accept sociable dogs.

We determine the behaviour and personality of your dog when conducting the initial assessment.

Due to our strict process it is unlikely that your dog will have any fall outs.

What happens on the days it's too cold or wet to play in the fields?

We have a heated indoor relaxation room with beds and toys, for the days that the dogs fancy staying indoors.

The room is open all day and the dogs can come in and out as they please, but we generally see that they prefer to stay outside.